Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'll Be Back

Dear Potential Readers,

I'm not sure who, if anyone, reads this blog, but if I do have any fans I am writing to let you know this fashionista will be taking a break for the holidays. Not to worry, once the new year is here I'll be throwing some fashion tips your way, here's what to expect...

-A list of my fashion icons - the ladies who inspire me
-Simple tips for you t-shirt and jeans girls on how to liven up your outfits
-My favorite make up looks
-Staying fashionable on a budget
-Why the color wheel is your new best friend

Until then, Happy Holidays!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

"You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

This post is dedicated to my new found fashion obsession- the brooch!

This little piece can add something special to even the dullest outfits. It's also unique in that there are so many different ones to choose from and not many people, except from older generations, wear them anymore. Here are some I found that I absolutely fell in love with and if I had the money I would run out and buy myself one right now. But alas, it's Xmas time (I realize this is not necessarily the most politically correct thing to say, but it is much simpler than acknowledging all other religions, so fuck it ;) ) and that means a time for giving (and not to myself as I have yet to realize).

I'm trying to show different styles of brooches, but this post is by no means the be all end all of brooches. There are so many to choose from! So liven up this season by adding a classy brooch to your favorite holiday garb!

-The Jeweled Brooch
This beauty is one of my favorites! Most of the jeweled brooches I've seen are in a circular shape, some have designs - this one almost looks floral- and some are just beautiful stones placed nicely, but with no real pattern in mind. It should be noted, that I have a penchant for anything shiny, big and flashy so any item I gush about will probably fall under one, if not all three, of the aforementioned categories.

-The Cameo Brooch
This is probably the most popular style of brooch. My mother recently gave me her old cameo brooch, and it is stunning! (Thanks, mom). You'll often see that sort of peachy color to the background, or sometimes black - which I prefer but when it comes to free things, it's hard to be picky ha. What I love about this old favorite is the fact that the setting around it is usually different and that's what really makes it. Some aren't as ornate as this, but rather a little more delicate. The cameo is actually incredibly popular for any piece of jewelry and I have been seeing a lot of it lately, so perhaps it's on the way back in (although to be honest, cameos never actually go out of style). I have a cameo ring my sister bought me years ago, also and it's quite beautiful.

Here's a modern spin on the classic cameo. I rather like skulls (in moderation or else you turn out looking like a hardened biker- and not in the sexy way).

-The Insect/Animal Brooch
This seems to be a really popular design. I have seen quite a few tiger's heads, dragonflies, and lizards as of late. My personal favorite out of these three is the peacock probably because it's my favorite bird (as the half sleeve of a peacock on my left arm can attest to). I've also been getting into jewelry with owls on it. This is a trend Forever 21 is perpetuating and I can't get enough.

-The Face Brooch
I've always adored the lady face brooches or pins. I haven't found too many, but I've been scouring. The ones that I like the most are the profile views, but this one is lovely too. The one underneath I picked because it looks like a brooch of Buddha's face, and I love Indian art.

-The Pearl Brooch
Pearls are classic and brooches are classic, so it seems only natural that the two work together wonderfully. This one is particular stunning with the larger pearls.

-The Food Brooch
This is one I've seen pretty much everywhere (I actually watched Julie & Julia - not of my own volition- and Julie wears a lobster brooch at one point. She actually wears a lot of brooches). However, the grapes is the one I've seen the most often so here is the nicest one I could find. Not a personal favorite, but still popular nonetheless.

-The Floral Brooch
I just bought a very similar brooch for myself (I know, I know I said it was Xmas time but it was 6 bucks!). I love it, it's on my coat right now but I have put it on a vest to spruce it up not too long ago and it looked so nice! It really added some extra color to a plain outfit.

-My favorite Brooch
This one is probably my favorite, simply because it has turquoise stones in it. I LOVE turquoise and anything that has it I will likely go nuts over.

Coming next is my blog for all you t-shirt and jeans girls. This will give you some simple tips to make your look a little more stylish, while retaining the same level of comfort.

- To give credit where credit is due, I must say this new love was inspired by my friend Megan, who was wearing a gorgeous brooch one night I saw her. Thanks for the inspiration Meg!-

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jealous of your Cigarette

Sex sells and multiple companies thrive on people's addictions, so how about a sexy addiction?

Cigarettes are sexy again! Madmen is probably partly responsible for this. So light up those cancer sticks and brings on the nicotine stains!

For anything to be commercially viable you need famous people to be seen/heard doing it, wearings it, saying it, whatever. Here are The Kills, a popular band right now who chain smoke like there's no tomorrow (and well considering how much they smoke there might not be).

Now for the band merchandise for smokers....

Here is a Rolling Stones astray

Another fashionable smoking accessory...

A lighter with a Pop Art style image of Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's

Just a fashionable accessory...

Cigarette earrings, in case one wasn't enough! I actually think these are pretty cute, though ha.

And lastly, something for the kids...

The Popeye candy cigarettes we grew up with are still a popular candy in stores. For those who aren't quite ready to commit themselves to this trend here's a pack for you ;)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I want candy!

I love art more than anything, so I decided to take some of my favorite paintings, and one photograph, and modernize them to get great fashionable looks. I arranged all the items needed to complete the look together, I think it gives a better idea visually of what I'm trying to show. Enjoy!

  • Blue Room - Suzanne Valadon

So I have taken this very laid back, casual yet feminine look and put something together. There are some high waisted, pinstripe pants and a casual red tank top, with lace. Next there is a champagne colored silk scarf and some flower pins in earthy tones, and I always imagine a woman who is lounging around reading and having a cigarette wearing Chanel No. 5. The make up is kept subtle here. I know The Second Sex was actually written after the time, but this painting shows a progressive woman so I thought it would be appropriate.

  • Circus Artistes - August Sander

I absolutely love paintings or photographs of old time circus performers! They're pretty tough looking, yet the women are still wearing, what appear to be, pearls. So I've included a military style jacket (which are popular right now actually), some high waisted black short and some cute red, suede flats. Again, the women are in pearls, so I put a simple single strand pearl necklace (it looks a bit cleaner) and since I imagine them smoking I added some Marlboros - what else would you smoke? ;) Lastly, I found a look that emphasized the eyes with dark eye make up and a 1930s hairstyle that is just adorable (I always picture Mae West when I see it).

  • Adele Bloch-Bauer I - Gustave Klimt

I love Klimt's paintings, they look so opulent and beautiful. I pictured an evening look, very fancy and regal. I included a gold evening gown a la Marilyn Monroe, multiple jeweled brooches because with this look you can afford to be over the top, and a gorgeous necklace that isn't too long and matches the colors of the stones in the brooches. The hairstyle is an updo, but sort of discheveled, with loose stands coming down. The make up is dark, deep purple lips and some black eye shadow around the eyes, a fur stole-which looks incredibly warm- and finally a cupcake purse (think Charlotte's daughter in Sex and the City) because it's so cute, and it just reminded me of a decadent dessert.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ring, ring, ring Banana Phone!

So, as promised, here is my list for the ultimate home accessory - the telephone!

I love writing about clothing, but here is some fashion for your home, not just your closet. Since cell phones became popular, the home telephone has totally gotten the shaft, but I just wanted you to know, telephone, you're still number one to me!

Here's a list of some personal favorites...and just some ridiculous ones.
  • The Hamburger Phone
Juno made this phone very popular. They sell it at Urban Outfitters and it does look pretty rad. I prefer something more traditional, but this is awesome. I'm suddenly craving a big mac...hmm... ;)

  • The Fry phone
Well this transition seemed logical to me. I'm not even sure whether this is real or not but it is quite awesome. It looks like a child's phone, very kitsch.

  • The Mickey Mouse Phone
I had this phone growing up, or well my parents did. This is classic to me, we also had a Buzz Lightyear phone, but Mickey is the Disney symbol everyone recognizes and well it came first.

  • Retro Phone #1
I'm not sure which decade this is from, possibly the '70s. I love the shape of the handle, and it's a great blue. The buttons look so old fashioned, I just wish you could find phones like this everyday.

  • Lobster Phone
This is actually a piece done by Salvador Dali. This famous piece of art looks like a novelty. The black phone used here was actually a common phone (I just finished watching The Seven Year Itch and the main character has this phone). Oh, only Dali could pull this off. Go, Surrealism, go!

  • Retro Phone #2
I mainly just like this phone because of it's rich red color, however the old square shape is pretty cool. Also, phones with the twist dials make me weak in the knees. This is an unhealthy obsession, I know.

  • Retro Phone #3
I actually have a phone like this. Mine, however, isn't actually old, just fashioned to look that way. It's a little cheaper made than this one, but still classic looking.

  • Lips Phone
I have this phone as well. I was at Chapters and I walked by and as my eye caught sight of this beauty I stopped dead in my tracks. I HAD to have it. It looks like a wonderful piece of pop art.

  • Retro Phone #4
This phone is from circa 1920. I absolutely can't get enough of phones with the separate ear and mouth piece. I've seen a few places, mainly overpriced record shops, selling something similar, though not quite as nice. I refuse to pay 200 dollars for something that just simply looks retro though.

  • Princess Phone
Ah, my all time favorite!! This little beauty is from the 1970s, and comes in a variety of pastel hues. Kitchen Aid has released blenders in similar colors, and I dream at night of having a matching pink princess phone and blender in the future...

  • Retro Phone #5
This phone reminds me a lot of #3, with the exception it is square. It actually makes me think of a cake, the white finish on it looks like frosting. (I'm salivating as I write this..because if there is one thing I love more than phones, it's sweets)

Hope everyone enjoyed reading this! I have a few ideas for future posts, but suggestions are always welcome! Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Melt my cold, cold heart

I wanted to include a post about winter fashion, since it's getting cold very fast.

Here are my tips to keep warm (and beautiful!) over this holiday season

  • Make Up
Keep it dark. I love the new black lipstick MAC has come out with. However, this isn't a look many people are into, but I think it would look great with a little black dress, giant cold necklace and hair in a fancy up do.

Continuing on with make up, there are some nail polishes I love! I think dark reds and purples are great for winter, again staying with a dark color. (I swear I didn't pick this picture because of the Xmas bulb..)

  • Jewelry
I favor big pieces with little dresses or for special occassion, but sometimes they are needed to help out a boring outfit. I found this one, but I think it'd be better gold. I love gold for winter, it feels very regal to me.

Keep things fun with sequins! Big jewelry for big celebrations is fun and totally acceptable. I personally love the peacock feather. The colors are also so rich and vibrant.

  • Scarves
I wear scarves all year round, but this is one of the few seasons I can do it without someone asking me if I'm cold, because they think this is funny. This is actually a shawl, but I think it looks enough like a scarf that I have deemed it to be so. I love how big it is, with the over sized wooden buttons. I'm learning to knit just to make this.

  • Coffee!
This is a necessity even when it isn't winter for me. However, I normally just get a regular coffee, but after trying Starbucks Peppermint Mocha (with the whipped cream of course!) I fell in love. This is my favorite holiday treat as of late.

  • Gloves
I just posted about the gloves I want to come back in style, but here are some gloves that will keep your hands warm. These are from Urban Outfitters, I have almost the same pair and they are great. I like to sometimes slip an extra pair of thin gloves underneath when it gets really chilly so the ends of my fingers don't freeze but I still look cute haha.

Every season needs a great song.
I have fallen madly in love with the band The Milkshakes
So here's my winter song...
I want you by The Milkshakes

You give me your kiss, promise me your love
The keys to your door, but I want more

I want more, more of your kisses
I want more, more of your lovin'
Surrender to me...'cause I want you
Don't you know I want you?

You hold my hand, whisper in my ear
You touch my lips, say you'll always be near

I want more, more of your kisses
I want more, more of your lovin'
Surrender to me...'cause I want you
Don't you know I want you, girl?

'Cause I want you, don't you know I want you?
You hold my hand, whisper in my ears
You touch my lips, say you'll always be near

I want more, more of your kisses
I want more, more of your lovin'
Surrender to me..'cause I want you
Don't you know I want you ?
Don't you know I want you, girl?
'Cause I want you...

  • Socks
I can't get enough of big, comfy, warm socks. I love these knee high ones because it lets you wear your cute miniskirts from summer, without freezing your legs (and ass) off. Also they look rocking with ankle boots.

This pair are looser and would probably work better for everyday wear. I think they'd look really cute with some converse, over pants, bare legs or tights. Plus I love knit sweaters and socks and just looking at these make me yearn for a warm fireplace and a good book.

Now for the tights. I love colored tights right now, especially red. I got a pair at H&M and they are super warm. This is great when you want to wear a skirt. I'll admit one of my draw backs is what to pair them with, I often stick with a cute black dress, but other suggestions are welcome!
  • A snuggle buddy!
So this isn't exactly a requirement, or technically fashionable, but it will keep you damn warm on cold nights!

  • Knit sweaters
As previously mentioned I go nuts over knit sweaters and this one looks so ridiculously comfortable. I love the classic gray for a big sweater, but I think for the holidays you should spice it up and wear bold colors, bring on the red and green!

  • Bubble bath
I know the picture is a bit over the top, but a bubble bath on a cold night is so relaxing. This is the time of the year students are working extra hard, and families are pulling their money together for gifts, it's very stressful. Have a bubble bath and chill out :)

Blast from the Past- Retro Chic!

I know every season the fashion gurus tell us that the fashion for fall or winter or whenever will be inspired by a decade gone by. I've compiled some of my favorite pieces, things that are getting big or things I wish would make a come back. As well, I've included a couple modern spins on an old favorite.

  • Gloves!
If you read my post on Film Fashionistas and saw Holly Golightly on the list, you'll understand why I love gloves. These just scream classy to me, I have a pair of black ones, that only go to the wrist, but I would love a high pair for special occasions.

  • My favorite modern take on gloves
These are a pair from Pat Field's boutique (the woman who did the clothing for Sex and the City, she's basically a Goddess). I believe Lady Gaga wears them in a music video, and they are too fun. The idea of my favorite fashion accessory suddenly getting a rocker edge to it makes me weak in the knees.

  • Fur Coat
This is my ultimate fashion must have! Before animal rights activists get all up in arms, calm down I'd only wear faux. This is a trend that is coming back right now, I have a faux fur vest from H&M that I adore. I just love the stories of my grandfather getting my grandmother a fur coat every annisersary. If that was me I would fall in love all over again.

  • Stocking Seams
-This picture is only O.K. because it's Bettie Page. Once I started wearing stockings with seams, I could hardly go back to regular stockings. These are just so wonderful. I fully plan on having these seams tattooed on the backs of my legs as an hommage to the women of World War II who painted stocking seams on the backs of their legs because they couldn't get nylons.

  • 3-D Glasses
So these have come back in a big way, but now the glasses are black and look more like sunglasses. While these new ones definitely look more modern, and sort of like Ray-Bans, the classic 3-D glasses still have my heart. I included this picture because it shows the original glasses and a dress fashioned in their likeness.

  • Glasses
Continuing on the theme of sexy eye wear, here are '50s horn rimmed glasses. I have a pair of sunglasses in the same shape, as glasses really do not suit me, but I adore these. They have a certain sexy secretary vibe, don't they?

And for the men, I have a soft spot for these glasses, mainly because in an old picture of my grandfather he has the same pair and because my dad just bought sunglasses like these (rock on, dad!).
  • Fancy Hat
I had been coveting a hat like this for years and finally Le Chateau started selling them. I bought a black one for my cousin's wedding and loved it. They are guaranteed to take an ordinary party dress to a great dress!

  • Pearls
Coco Chanel is one of my favorite designers and she is the women I think of when thinking of pearls. These have never really gone out of style, but I don't see many younger women wearing them. These are classic and elegant, one of the few must haves I believe every lady should have.

  • Cat's Eyes
I had actually forgotten this one the first time I posted, so I'm editing to include it, because it cannot be left out! Who better to include than Sophia Loren also, the woman known for her cat's yes make up. I would have also included red lipstick, but for anyone who knows me, that was a given.

Keep checking, I'll have a post on my favorite furniture accessory (the phone!) and make up!